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Reserach group Industrial Ecology Freiburg in front of the Herder building of the university. Not in the picture: Dr. Johan Vélez.

Open positions are announced via the job portal of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE).

Stefan Pauliuk, PhD

Professor for sustainable energy and material flow management (industrial ecology), group leader

Tel: +49-761-203-98726 (on appointment)

Mail: stefan.pauliuk[]


Consultion hour: Please arrange with me by email if you would like an appointment. You can find me in the Herder building ('Herderbau'), room 02032 (2. floor, east wing, close to R200).


Link to Stefan's blog.

Follow Stefan on Twitter.

Link to Google Scholar.

Link to ORCID.

Link to CV.

Link to business card.



Isabella Katz

Administrative support and accounting

Office hours: Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Tel: 0761-203-8599

Mail: em_IK


Nildem Atasayar

Software developer and database manager

Tel: 0761-203-54034

Mail : em_Nildem


Scientific staff

Dr. Christian Hauenstein

Post-doc, socio-ecological transformation, circular economy, systems analysis.

Tel: 0761-203-54035

Mail: em_ch

Link to Google Scholar.

Link to ORCID.

Link to CV.


Dr. Johan Vélez

post-doc, scenario analysis of material cycles and consumption patterns, prospective assessment of sustainable development strategies, indicators, circular economy and rebound effects.

Tel: 0761-203-54035

Mail : em_Johan

Link to Google Scholar.

Link to ORCID.

Huimei Li

Doctoral candidate, regional transportation scenarios, circular economy.

Tel: 0761-203-54245

Mail: em_Huimei


Associated group members

Dr. Rio Aryapratama

Integrated sustainability analysis of biomass-based materials use, life cycle assessment

Tel: 0761-203-54034

Mail : em_Rio


Dr. Hanna Helander

Monitoring, footprint assessment and indicator development for the circular economy and bioeconomy.

Researcher at CESR, University of Kassel.

Homepage (Uni Kassel)

Mail: em_hh


Gilang Hardadi

Doctoral candidate, Modelling of sustainable production functions

Researcher and analyst with the World Bank.


Dr. Arthur (Artos) Jakobs

Input-output analysis, supply chain modelling, statistics.

Researcher at PSI, Switzerland.

Homepage (PSI)

Mail: em_Arthur


Simon Schulte

Doctoral candidate, transformation of industrial processes, input-output analysis.

Tel: 0761-203-54245

Mail: em_Simon


Former group members

Christian Buschbeck

former scientific employee, life cycle assessment of buildings and agricultural systems, optimisation algorithms.

As a main outcome of his work, Christian published a journal paper
"Required displacement factors for evaluating and comparing climate impacts of intensive and extensive forestry in Germany".

Dr. Stefanie Klose

former scientific employee, Prospective analysis of sustainable metal cycles, sustainable use of copper

EPICUR Project Manager, University College Freiburg

Homepage (UCF)

Stefanie Klose has published the core part of her doctoral thesis in two journal articles:
"Quantifying longevity and circularity of copper for different resource efficiency policies at the material and product levels"
"Sector-level estimates for global future copper demand and the potential for resource efficiency".

Kavya Madhu

former scientific employee, Digitalization, transformation of industrial processes, life cycle assessment.

Core publication: "Understanding environmental trade-offs and resource demand of direct air capture technologies through comparative life-cycle assessment", Link to Article

Mohammad Mahadi Hasan

former student assistant, Visualisation, JavaScript, svg.

Mahadi set up our Research Portal.

Ayla Alkan, PhD

Guest researcher, post-doctoral researcher for the scenario development for resource efficiency and circular economy in Turkey and the countries of West Asia.

Link to ORCID.